News Archive

Victor Sloan: Northern Ireland series published by Café Royal Books, England.

News 2016

Victor Sloan’s work is featured in Billboard Project, Belfast. 20/20 Art in the Eastside

Vanishing Futures: Collective Histories of Northern Irish Art, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast 

Victor Sloan: The Baron, Belfast Print Workshop Gallery. Belfast Photo Festival 2015 artist in residence at Belfast Print Workshop

Art from Contemporary Conflict by Sara Bevan, published by the Imperial War Museum, London 

DRIFT: Victor Sloan, F E McWilliam Gallery and Studio

Art of the Troubles, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, England

Victor Sloan: Borne Sulinowo, The University Gallery, Belfast

Art and Architecture of Ireland, Volume V, Twentieth Century, Edited by Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray

News 2014

Craigavon New Town: 50 Years of Modernity, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast

Victor Sloan is a panel member at Absorbing Modernity, Ulster Museum

Voices Travel: Conversation Between Two Harbours, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan

Art of the Troubles, Ulster Museum, Belfast

The Faraway Nearby, F E McWilliam Gallery, Banbridge

Art in the Eastside, Belfast

Northern Ireland: 30 Years of Photography, the MAC and Belfast Exposed, Belfast

Picturing Derry, the City Factory, Derry~Londonderry, (UK City of Culture)

The Archive Show, Red Barn gallery, Belfast