Kunst, Europa: 63 deutsche Kunstvereine zeigen Kunst aus 20 Landern
Juni bis September 1991

Royal Black Preceptory, The Birches, Portadown, silver gelatin print, toners and gouache, 58cms x 48cms, 1988 © Victor Sloan

Victor Sloan ist einer der Künstler, der Grossbritannien bei Kunst Europa repräsentiert. Seine Arbeiten werden vom 23. Juni bis zum 28. Juli 1991 im Mannheimer Kunstverein gezeigt.
Andere eingeladene Länder sind:
Belgien, Danemark, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Island, Italien, Jugoslawien, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen Schweden, Schweiz, Sowjetunion, Spanien, Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn.
Die anderen Künstler aus Grossbritannien sind:
Edward Allington, Keith Arnatt, Art In Ruins, Zadok Ben-David, Christine Borland, Jim Buckley, Stephen Campbell, Helen Chadwick, Thomas Joshua Cooper, Willie Doherty, Andrea Fisher, Keven Henderson, Clyde Hopkins, Callum Innes, Harvey Jackson, Langlands & Bell, Pete Lloyd Lewis, Stephen Lewis, Patricia McDonald, David Mach, Tracy Mackenna, Locky Morris, David Nash, Ron O’ Donnell, Julian Opie, Victor Sloan, Colin Smith, Amikan Toren, Jim Unsworth, Jonathan Waller, Mark Wallinger, Richard Wentworth, Rachel Whiteread, Bill Woodrow

Mannheimer Kunstverein e.V.
Augustaanlage 58
68165 Mannheim
Tel : 0621- 40 22 08
Fax: 0621- 44 22 47

Dr. Martin Stather
Dienstag bis Sonntag 12 bis 17 Uhr
Führungen: Sonntag 15 Uhr
Kuratorium des Mannheimer Kunstvereins
Das Kuratorium unterstützt die Arbeit des Mannheimer Kunstvereins. Es umfasst zur Zeit 27 Mitglieder aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Presse und Kultur und arbeitet ehrenamtlich. Sprecher des Kuratoriums ist der Mannheimer Unternehmer Peter Künzler, seine Stellvertreterin Edelgard Seitz, Arbeitskreis Rhein-Neckar-Dreieck.
1996 vergab das Kuratorium zum ersten Mal einen Kunstpreis, der mit DM 10.000.- dotiert ist und jeweils im Folgejahr mit einer Ausstellung verbunden ist. Der Preis, der auf Initiative und auf Kosten des Kuratoriums gestiftet wurde, soll zukünftig alle 2 Jahre vergeben werden.
Kunst, Europa ist ein Projekt der Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Kunstvereine e.V. (AdKV)
Mariannenplatz 2
D-10997 Berlin
Tel +49 3061107 550
Fax +49 3061107 470
Adkv (AT) kunstvereine.de


Parable Island: Some Aspects of Recent Irish Art,
Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool
Part One26 January – 23 February 1991
Part Two2 March – 6 April 1991
Tuesday – Saturday, 10.30 – 17.00
Closed Sundays, Mondays and Good Friday
Admission Free
Entering the Field, Armagh, silver gelatin print, toner and gouache, 58cms x 58cms, 1986 ©Victor Sloan

This two-part exhibition, curated by Brian McAvera, who has also written the accompanying catalogue, comprises a broad range of contemporary art from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, drawing together varying strands of art practice in relation to abstraction as well as focusing on social and political themes.
Paintings, sculptures, drawings, installations, mixed media are included by thirty artists: (Part One) Tom Bevan, Brian Bourke, Jim Buckley, Gerard Cox, David Crone, Marie Foley, Pat Hall, Clement McAleer, Colin McGookin, Jim Manley, Gwen O’Dowd, Charley Tyrell, Una Walker, Samuel Walsh, and (Part Two) Marie Barrett, Cathy Carman, Rita Duffy, Brendan Ellis, Graham Gingles, Gerry Gleason, Patrick Graham, Catherine Harper, Brian Maguire, Jack Pakenham, Vivienne Roche, Victor Sloan, Outdoor sculpture throughout both parts by Colm Brennan, Michael Bulfin, Eilis O’Connell and Bob Sloan
Parable Island is supported by The Peter Moores Foundation, The Cultural Relations Committee of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland, The Elephant Trust, and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.

The BluecoatSchool Lane
United Kingdom
L1 3BX


The Long Summer Still to Come: Some Aspects of Recent Irish Photography
Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool
28 February - 6 April 1991

Crossing the Bridge, Portadown, silver gelatin print, toner and gouache, 58cms x 58cms, 1986 © Victor Sloan

What can photography do for Ireland, for the Irish, for the photographer in Ireland?
Is photography – as witness alive or dead in an island, the North of which has seen the ongoing incursion of photojournalists greedy for the simplifying image, the South of which has seen the stresses and strains of an ancient timbered Ship-of – state, keelhauled into the polished steel streamlines of a modern liner?
Is photography - as – art alive or dead in an age which explores the possibilities of manipulated photography, of image and text, of sequencing or collage; in an age which frequently explores the interior vision as a metaphor for the exterior one?
The Long Summer Still to Come explores some aspects of recent Irish photography from the North and the South of the island, seeking to create a series of overlapping perspectives upon a troubled and troubling island.
The exhibition is curated by the playwright, critic and curator Brian McAvera, author of Art, Politics and Ireland and Marking the North.
Photographers include: Christine Bond, Michael Boran, Daniel de Chenu, Tony Corey, Sam Gallagher, Sean Gilmartin, Keith Larkin, Jim Maginn, Eilish McCarrick, Michael McCaughan, Adrian McClune, Seamus McGarvey, Peter Neill, Kevin O’Farrell, Hazel O’Neill, Victor Sloan, and Ameila Stein.

Open Eye Gallery
28-32 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4AQ
Telephone: +44 (0)151 709 9460
Web: www.openeye.org.uk
Email: info@openeye.org.uk
Opening times Tuesday - Saturday: 10.30am - 5.30pm. Closed Sunday – Monday.
Open Eye Ltd is a company limited by guarantee No. 1204519 and is a registered charity No.1056743