Icons of the North: Collective histories of Northern Irish Art

Solstice Arts Centre, Navan, Co. Meath

Fri 13th October to Sat 25th November 2006

Curated by Brian McAvera

Magazine Gate, Derry, 1989

This exhibition focuses on socio–political art from the period 1969 – 1994 and supplies a survey of, and an introduction to, art produced throughout this time.

Icons of the North at the Navan Arts Centre

McAvera hypothesises that artists who produced works relating to ‘The Troubles’ during this period were largely disregarded by the establishment, and that it is only now that their value is being realised. The artists shown in the exhibition not only developed a vocabulary for ‘The Troubles’, they have continued to develop and record not just the events of Northern Ireland, but also those of a broader geographical, social and political scale. The artists featuring in this are; Marie Barrett, Tom Bevan, Graham Gingles, Gerry Gleason, Jack Packenham, Victor Sloan and Una Walker.

Presented in partnership with Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast.

Solstice Arts Centre,
Railway Street, Navan,
Co. Meath, Ireland

Call (046) 909 2300
Fax (046) 909 2305